OPW 7HB green Hi speed diesel prepay nozzle without ring
Model #: 7HB-5100
Item #: 28-7HB-5100
The 7HB is a high-flow refueling nozzle with exclusive "satellite" feature that helps prevent blind side spills that can result in fuel loss and clean-up expense. The OPW 7HB cannot be opened until the pumping system is pressurized and closes automatically when pressure is turned off.
Features and Benefits:
Safe for Use:
​UL and ULC listed for use in gasoline, diesel, and up to 10% ethanol blends.
Prevents gasoline spills in prepay or card-lock systems utilizing OPW's unique No Pressure - No Flow Device. The nozzle cannot be opened until the pumping system is pressurized, and closes automatically when the pressure is removed (7HB Series only).
Prevents consumer from jamming the nozzle in an open position
FlowLock allows nozzle to shut-off when falling out of a fill pipe, and tipped up limiting spillage and unsafe conditions.
Low reliable shut off specifically designed to ensure proper automatic shut off as low as 5 gallons per minute.
Note: The 7HB is UL 2586 rated and has a hold open clip